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暑期課程 2016@HKU

4-day Day Camp for Creativity & Talent Development

1. Children will be engaged in 3 hours of Mindful Practice.
2. Children will be engaged in 4 hours of Social Games.
3. Children may choose one 10 hours course according to their interests. Each course will have 5 sessions.
   (A) STEM for Creative Learners (P3-P4 students )
   (B) STEM for Creative Learners (P5-P6 students )
4. Children will be guided in a 2 hours historical campus tour around HKU. The campus tour will introduce participants how the HKU's historic buildings have witnessed the development of the 100 years old University.


Choices of 10-hour Course

(A)&(B) STEM Ideas around the World
The course is designed for talented primary students. The participants will be divided into two groups. All participants will get started with the ideas of STEM, i.e. science, technology, engineering and mathematics, through experiments and activities


Course Outline

  • Students will be guided to explore the big inventions and latest technology from different countries;

  • the famous bridges from different countries and have their own try-out;

  • and the latest smart home technologies and design their ideal smart home.

Course designer and facilitator
Dr. Joyce Fung, obtained the doctorate from The University of Hong Kong, specialises in the field of gifted education. She is an experienced teacher of mathematics and ICT. She has spent more than 14 years in writing computer and information technology textbooks for secondary schools in Hong Kong. In recent years, she has developed the website HKPARENTS which supplies parental advice and resources online.
Instructor of group 1 (P3-P4)
Ms. Janice Lai earned the Master of education degree from The University of Hong Kong. She is an experienced English teacher with 10 years experience in secondary education. She is a creative illustrator with expert ability to combine computer skills, art, and innovative ideas to create unique artworks.
Instructor of group 2 (P5-P6)
Ms. Celina Lee is a teacher of English in a secondary school in Hong Kong and a trained IB English teacher. She coaches talented students in her school to participate in international competitions such as World Scholar's Cup.


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暑期課程 - Summer Programme for Creativity & Talent Development 2016

Primary School Courses

CT-P1601 A Magic Carpet Ride Around the World

CT-P1602 Beautiful Geometry

CT-P1603 Math in the Workplace

CT-P1604 Mathematics Wonders in Daily Life

CT-P1605 An art dialogue with masterpiece artists

CT-P1606 From Zero to ONE – Write to be Heard

CT-P1607 Standing for the Celebrity

CT-P1617 Be a Visionary Planner

Secondary School Courses
CT-S1608 From Zero to Hero
CT-S1609 Moving Images and Film Language
CT-S1610 Grow, Glow and Let’s Go (English)
CT-S1611 Grow, Glow and Let’s Go (Cantonese)
CT-S1612 Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship
CT-S1613 Seeing through mundane (Cantonese)
CT-S1614 Seeing through mundane (English)
CT-S1615 Storybook Production Workshop
CT-S1616 The Creative Analytical Thinker





有關查詢可電郵至 或致電 3917-5828 留言給張小姐。


Social Stars SHINE! 社交閃星星 - 適合K2 至K3 幼童參加


選擇日期:2016年7月18日 至 8月19日 (星期一至五) 
時 間:上午10時 至下午12時30分 (每堂2.5小時) 
課程費用:港幣 $2750/5堂 (額外課堂: $490/堂)
語 言:廣東話(輔以英語及普通話作補充)


人 際 社 交  (18-22/ 7/ 2016)   

應 對 溝 通    (25-29/ 7/ 2016) 

情 緒 E Q      (1-5/ 8/ 2016) 

專 注 聆 聽    (8-12/ 8/ 2016) 

領 袖 解 難    (15-19/ 8/ 2016)


廖秀卿博士 (Dr. Sylvia Liu) 自2004年開始研究互動團隊遊戲如何發展社交能力和通用能力。廖女士於香港大學取得教育博士,專注研究資優教育和才華發展。她成功策劃「小棟樑計劃」以互動遊戲培訓學童,於2006年獲香港教育局優質教育基金資助,其後繼續在小學推行。她的研究證實了互動團隊遊戲對資優學童和一般能力的同學在社交溝通自律等能力都有正面而可持續的成效。其中一項貢獻是「社交閃星星」的學習概念模型,引導兒童如何通過玩集體遊戲協助發展社交能力。廖秀卿博士及其團隊將負責設計和實行社交遊戲和培訓。


有關查詢可電郵至 或致電 3917-5828 留言給張小姐。


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